• Duct Tape
• craft knife
• self healing cutting board
• paper & pencil

* front & back
This project is similar to the Duct Tape Monstar Coaster project I did earlier, only this time I made a cut out book mark that I so often find myself needing.
Once again I recommend the self healing cutting board this way you can stick the duct tape down and cut the shape you need with your craft knife.
To start I sketched out the design keeping it more vertical than horizontal. Then I used that to make some templates out of paper. Then I grabbed the color of Duct Tape I wanted to be my background and taped down a few strips overlapping about the width and height of how I wanted the book mark to be then I flipped it over and taped the other side so that I was left with the colored Duct Tape showing on both sides. Then I took the colors I wanted the body of my monstar to be and placed it down on the self healing cutting board and placed my template on top and cut out the monstars body. Then I peeled it up and placed it on the background piece. I continued this method until I had the entire front of the monstar done. Then I cut out around the entire monstar.
Once he was cut out I then turned it around and prepared to do the back side of my monstar. I started the same why by putting the Duct Tape down on the self healing cutting board but when I got to the template part I flipped it over to the wrong side facing up. Then I cut out my shapes and placed them on the back side of the background. Now my monstar is ready to snuggle up with a nice good book.
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